NOVI's primary business area lies within letting of Commercial Tenancies.
We have therefore tried to set a target for the CO2e footprint for this activity.
NOVI purchases green electricity only, with the result that Commercial Tenants at NOVI use green electricity by definition. Consequential, this power is CO2e neutral, and thus not included in the CO2e footprint.
NOVI has drawn up a model for the Annual CO2e footprint over the past 3 years. A 3-year period which has been influenced by several significant factors.
In 2021, COVID-19 was still a significant factor in Denmark. Many employees still took advantage of the option to work from home. During this period, NOVI took several measures, including the decision to close NOVI Fitness, after which users were prevented from using the bathing and sauna facilities. NOVI also chose to lower the temperature in offices throughout all buildings.
In 2022, NOVI expanded the property portfolio with the purchase of NOVI 14 – a building which was both acquired, rebuilt and furnished in 2022. Immediately thereafter (Q4 2022), the first tenants moved in and the building was fully occupied by Q2 2023.
COVID-19 still played a role in the beginning of 2022 until February 1, when previous restrictions were lifted and COVID-19 was no longer considered a critical illness.
By 2023, we broadly returned to the same level of operations prior to the pandemic.
The development in NOVI's CO2e footprint during the years 2021-2023 (3-year period) can be illustrated as following:
Figure 1: Development CO2e footprint 2021-2023 all CO2e numbers in tons
Since NOVI lets out Commercial Tenancies (sqm), and since the number of square meters has increased during this period - we have set up a model which illustrates the CO2e footprint per square metres:

Table 1: Keyfigures for CO2e footprint - all CO2e numbers in tons
Correspondingly, we also estimate that the CO2e footprint per person per rented square meters is an interesting, measurable parameter.
The development in CO2e shows a decrease from 2021 to 2022, and for CO2e/m2 a small increase from 2022 to 2023, compared to a decrease from 2022 to 2023 in CO2e per person. The reason for this is because the premises have not been highly occupied (measured on persons), despite being rented out. We expect to meet the same challenge in 2024.
However, we do consider the trend itself good.
In the coming years, NOVI plans to increase efforts to reduce the CO2e footprint further.
Diversity - climate/green areas
NOVI's buildings are partly surrounded by larger green areas.
Two large, green areas (Green Wedges), which belong to Aalborg Municipality, are placed between NOVI's buildings.
Of the total green area, not all square meters can be qualified as biodiverse. For that reason, we have carried out a "visual" assessment of the degree of biodiversity within the green areas.
If the Green wedges, belonging to Aalborg Municipality are included, the share of biodiversity is approximately 64%.
If calculated exclusively on NOVI's own green areas, only 15% of NOVI's areas can be qualified as Biodiverse.
In the coming years, NOVI intends, in consultation with professionals, to work on transforming lawns etc. to biodiverse areas, where it can be done smartly and in a manner which fits into NOVI's operations.
For several years, NOVI has been a socially responsible.
NOVI has continuously opened positions for internships to support young people's educational opportunities. NOVI furthermore offers employees continuing professional development.
Diversity and equal treatment in terms of employment are balanced with annual reporting to the Board of Directors.
Furthermore, a Whistleblower scheme has been implemented for the employees, regardless of the fact that NOVI is not legally required to establish such a scheme.
NOVI also prioritize helping employees on sick leave, creating Flex-jobs, and in addition to the company pension scheme- and health insurance, NOVI offers all employees an in-house healthcare scheme.
The parent company of NOVI A/S is a commercial fund, complying with Recommendations on foundation governance, aiming to safeguard the purpose and interests of the foundation and administer the foundation in accordance with best practice. To find yearly reporting on NOVIs compliance with the Recommendations on foundation governance in a standard reporting format, cf. section 77a of the Financial Statements Act, please visit The link below